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Join date: Jul 13, 2022


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With a degree in biochemistry from Boston College, a Master of Science in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (Human Performance concentration) from the University of Florida, and more than a decade’s worth of experience in the biotech industry, Brad approaches endurance coaching with a scientific mind. Personal experiences have also left him with a uniquely authentic appreciation for and understanding of the power of the human body and spirit.

In 2003, Brad was diagnosed with late-stage head and neck cancer and underwent aggressive treatment as part of a clinical trial. He overcame the odds and beat the disease and, as part of the healing process, sought a space where he could regain control of his physical self. He found that space in the world of endurance sport. He signed up for an Olympic-distance triathlon—the first he had attempted—to celebrate being one year past cancer treatments. Upon crossing the finish line, he thought, “I will do better next time.” Put simply: he was hooked.

Brad dove headfirst into endurance sport as both an athlete and coach and over the last 16 years has founded several community-based multisport coaching clubs, coached more than 1,000 athletes, and completed more than 100 endurance events (including multiple Boston Marathons, numerous full Ironman events, and the Ironman 70.3 World Championships).

Through Axes, he offers highly customized private coaching to optimize his clients’ performance every day, not just on race days. More than that, Brad—a father of two and husband to his wife, Tamara—aims to help his athletes integrate their journey in endurance sport with the rest of their lives in a way that levels up their experience across the board.

Brad Johnson


Head Coach

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